Brussels Agri Services Ltd.


We are a feed, farm and fence supply business located in Brussels, a small town in Southwestern Ontario. Our building is part of Brussels Livestock, which is one of southwestern Ontario's largest privately owned stockyards. We are proud to be dealers for the following companies: Masterfeeds, Gallagher Fence, Arrowquip, Speare Seed & Weaver Leather / Livestock.

We continue on with our success in the fencing industry by being a leading fence installer and supplier. We are also proud to be the largest independent Gallagher dealer in North America and have recently become a Passion For Pasture Pro Dealer, specializing in pasture management and rotational grazing solutions.

Our full line up of products include everything for your farm needs, including: livestock processing equipment, EID and weighing devices, gates, feeders, water bowls, fence supplies, animal health products, feed, CCIA & livestock management tags, plus much more.

Product Categories
Ag ServicesAnimal ComfortAnimal FeedFencingSeed

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