Biosecurity Workshops
The Biosecurity workshops are a good place to start addressing your on-farm biosecurity program. These are commodity-specific, one-day workshops, where a veterinarian or certified crop advisor will show you the benefits of having an on-farm biosecurity program, and identify key practices to help you enhance biosecurity measures on-farm. The workshop is open to new and established producers. Farm families and management teams are encouraged to attend the workshop together. Taking a workshop is a first step in creating a Biosecurity Plan for your operation and identifying gaps in your current practices that could be putting your farm at risk from pests and/or disease.
After attending the workshop, you may wish to follow up with your local veterinarian or certified crop advisor to assist you in creating a dynamic and complete Biosecurity Plan for your farm.
Watch our videos to learn more!
English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RqZ2P6_8W4
French https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bncruOrQHDA