Edge Mutual Ins. Co.
Edge Mutual Insurance Company is located in a modern office facility at 103 Wellington Street South in Drayton, Ontario. An experienced staff of 28 employees provides complete insurance service to our policyholders. Written premiums are in excess of $28 million.
Edge Mutual provides financial security to our policyholders with current surplus levels approaching $22 million. A complete range of insurance products are provided through an independent broker network. Many of our Broker partners have been associated with us for a number of years. A knowledgable management team administer the day to day functions of the Mutual under the guidance of a 9 person Board of Directors. The board consists of prominent farmers and business people elected and re-elected for three year terms. Many of our board members have been policyholders for a number of years.
We continue to develop leading products and innovative tools that are well suited to brokers serving the rural marketplace.